As we continue to realize the importance of having proper technology to work remotely, I interviewed Sarah Robins, our Vice President of Sales and Client Relations, on the top tools to utilize for remote working during COVID-19. Sarah shared tangible tips and tools to communicate and collaborate effectively with remote working technology.
1. Slack – This is a great direct messaging communication tool to use with your team. You can create channels that operate as smaller groups that can be private or public and used for specific teams and departments. Here are a few ways to use Slack effectively:
Limit your number of channels and refrain from inviting everyone to them. This will help ensure others aren’t overwhelmed with communication that may not pertain to them.
Outline specific rules, guidelines, and expectations for how your team should use Slack.
Solidify if this will be your main means of communication of if most communication should still be through email or in-person.
There are add-ons available that help keep your systems aligned with Slack. These add-ons allow you to sync your Google Calendar, Zoom Account, and other tools with Slack.
You can use the video call tool for quick, easy meetings and the ability to share your screen with your team members.
Everything you do in Slack is recorded and searchable, so this helps if you need to reference information in the future.
2. G Suite – A collaboration tool in an online format that allows you to collaborate with your team in real-time. Google Drive is the hub for Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. Here are a few ways to use G Suite efficiently:
You can share documents and allow others to add input for ideas and content with others on your team.
You can add comments, make trackable changes, and follow all of the different iterations that have been made in the past to find older versions of a document.
There’s capability to link between other documents, PowerPoints, and spreadsheets.
Offers the ability to control the permissions on documents if you want people to have certain types of access such as read only or full editing rights.
G Suite is a great way to streamline and protect your organization moving forward by keeping everything in one place.
3. Video Calls – Video calls are extremely important as you work remotely since there’s no tone or body language in direct messages and emails. Video allows you to communicate clearly and ensures your communication translates accurately.
Zoom is the industry standard and allows you to record the call, share the screen, as well as generate a transcript if needed.
Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams – Another great alternative to use for video conferencing with your teams.
FaceTime – Although this isn’t a business-focused platform, and it’s not the number one professional option, this is a good option to video connect with team members if you already have access to it.
Additional Tips For Working Remotely:
Headphones are helpful so you can control your speaking volume level versus needing to speak loudly through your computer’s speakers.
Proper Lighting is essential so the other people on your team can see your face clearly.
Having your camera at eye-level versus a lower angle ensures other people are able to look you in the eye while speaking to you.
Working remotely presents a few challenges with collaborating and communicating with your team. However, with intentionality, planning, and organization working from home be very effective and even heighten the level of productivity amongst your organization.