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Searching for a job is hard work. It can be a full-time job, and it’s emotionally exhausting. It’s easy to get discouraged and want to give up. Wouldn’t it be easier if our dream job would just fall into our laps? Life isn’t that easy because if it were, we wouldn’t have to depend on the Lord. We often grow closer to Him in the times we feel most frustrated. If you feel stuck in your ministry job search, I encourage you to try the following:

1. Think Positively – Once you have submitted your application, most of the ministry job search is out of your hands. This is one of the most frustrating parts of the process. You can’t control whether your emails or phone calls are returned. You can’t control how many other candidates are applying for the same position. However, you can control your attitude throughout the process. I’ve learned that changing my attitude to look at the positive side of things that frustrate me helps me feel less stressed and be able to enjoy the learning process. Put your best foot forward with each application. Be confident that the right fit will come along in time. Think of every application, email correspondence, and interview as an opportunity to connect with someone new and learn more about yourself. With every interview, you’re getting closer to landing your job.

2. Journal – I’m a huge advocate of journaling. Write down your goals and also your fears. If you’re preparing for an interview, I recommend journaling about it the night before. What are you nervous about? What are you excited about? What questions do you have for the interviewer? Journaling helps you prepare your own expectations and settle your nerves.

3. Pray –  1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Pray without ceasing.” Don’t give up.  Set a time to come before the Lord daily and pray over your job search. Ask friends and family to join you in praying for your job search. Acknowledge Jeremiah 29:11 daily, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord…” Write down your prayers so that when your prayers are answered, you can read about how you grew through the process.

4. Be Involved  – Set aside time to apply for new jobs each day but don’t forget to get involved in your community as well. Volunteer at your church, a local school, or non-profit. I’m always encouraged when I serve others because I’m forced to put my selfishness aside and reflect on what’s really important. If there’s an opportunity to serve within a ministry where you’re looking for a job, go serve! A job opportunity just may present itself when you’re serving faithfully. 

5. Don’t Put Your Eggs in One Basket – One of the fastest ways to get discouraged is to have your heart set on one job and place all your hopes in getting it. With most job openings, there are hundreds of other candidates applying for the same job you are. Be open-minded and be open to more than oneopportunity. The more feelers you have out there, the more connected you are and the less desperate you’ll feel. 

We are honored to be a part of candidates’ lives who are in a time of transition. Thank you for inviting us into being a part of your next steps in ministry. Be encouraged! The Lord knows your heart.

What steps do you take to stay encouraged in a discouraging time?


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