Children’s Ministry is the growth engine of the church. If a church has a thriving children’s ministry where kids look forward to attending on Sunday, parents and grandparents will follow suit. With a thriving Children’s Ministry comes the need to recruit and retain volunteers, which is no easy task.
Use the notes below to communicate how much you value and treasure the time and resources your Children’s Ministry volunteers are investing each weekend. Depending on the circumstance at hand, feel free to send whichever applies best in an email, handwritten note, or even verbally via phone call to your volunteers this week. They will certainly feel appreciated and encouraged!
Here are 8 encouragements to share with your Children’s Ministry volunteer team this week:
1. Your ministry flows from your relationship with Jesus.
Dear Volunteer,
Everything you do, from teaching Bible lessons to 4th graders to preparing snacks for toddlers, should flow from your relationship with Jesus. Spending time in the Word, being a part of a small group, and attending “big” church are important for your spiritual walk. If you want to learn more about how to have a growing and vibrant relationship with Jesus, please see me and I will be more than happy to serve you.
-Your Children’s Pastor
2. You are not a babysitter.
Dear Volunteer,
I know sometimes it may feel like it, but you are so much more than a Sunday morning babysitter! As a Children’s Ministry volunteer, you are planting seeds of the gospel in the hearts and minds of children with every song you sing, game you play, and snack you give. Every gospel-centered conversation you have with a little one is bursting with opportunity to be used by God in the life of a child. Parents appreciate your service more than you can even imagine. The ability to attend a church service without distraction and with peace of mind that their child is well taken care of is a gift, and they are very thankful.
-Your Children’s Pastor
3. We want you to serve where you will thrive.
Dear Volunteer,
We want you to love volunteering at our church, and especially in Children’s Ministry! No matter your spiritual gift, there is a place for you in Children’s Ministry. No matter your passion or comfort level around kids, there is a place for you here. Wherever you serve, whether with the babies, tweens, or behind the scenes, we want you to love where you are serving. If you are already serving and think that there might be a better fit for your gifts in Children’s Ministry, please let me know and we can have a conversation about switching your area of service.
-Your Children’s Pastor
4. The kids look forward to seeing you each week.
Dear Volunteer,
The kids in your class talk with their parents about the Gospel lessons you taught them all week long. They look forward to your warm welcome, fun games, spirited songs, and life giving lessons each week. Be encouraged… you are loved!
-Your Children’s Pastor
5. We want to know what is going on in your life.
Dear Volunteer,
If you are in the middle of a hard season, I want to know! I want to pray for you, minister to you,encourage you, and be there for you. If life is going well for you, Praise God! I want to know that too. The Children’s Ministry here is a family, we bear each other’s burdens and rejoice in each other’s joys. We can’t do that, however, if we don’t know what’s going on in your life. Please always feel welcome to send me a prayer request. I know I look busy on Sunday mornings, but drop me an email, and I will connect with you during the week!
-Your Children’s Pastor
6. If you have a question – ask!
Dear Volunteer,
One of the most important aspects of my job is to make sure that you have everything you need to serve in Children’s Ministry. If there is something you need to do your job better, please let me know. If you have a question about anything, or if you see something that you don’t understand, please feel comfortable talking with me. I want to be a resource for you as you carry out your ministry at this church.
-Your Children’s Pastor
7. What you do is important to the overall vision and mission of the church.
Dear Volunteer,
Your ministry to children in this church is so very important. This church could not fulfill its mission and vision without your sacrificial and loving ministry to children and families. Know that the leadership of this church appreciates your service and so do I.
-Your Children’s Pastor
8. God sees your acts of service.
Dear Volunteer,
Hebrews 6:10 says, “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” God sees your service in Children’s Ministry. He remembers it, and your service here is showing Him love.
-Your Children’s Pastor
When you encourage your Children’s Ministry volunteers with these thoughtful check-ins, you’ll help them feel valued and that they are making a difference.
What are some ways you can support your Children’s Ministry volunteers this week?