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There is no perfect ministry resume. However, some are more effective than others. This is what makes the resume writing process so intimidating. A resume is personal, and we all want to give a good first impression. So how do you concisely convey your work experience, proficiencies, and interests in a way that remains true to your unique gifts?

It can be overwhelming when you try to squeeze many years of ministry experience into a few short sentences. Use these three steps to help build your professional story into an effective ministry resume.

1. Where have you been?

Where have you spent your time, energy, and passion thus far? Depending on your unique journey, this will include education, internship, work, and volunteer experience. Include the name of the church or organization as well as the location. Be sure to include the dates of your employment at each location. This helps paint the picture of your experience in the hiring manager’s mind.

2. What did you do there?

This is your time to reveal the exciting things God has done through your ministry, but make every word count. Be concise and specific. Quantify your accomplishments. If you find this difficult, ask yourself, “How many people came to the Bible Study I led? How often did I lead the Bible Study? How many songs did I prepare for worship each week? How many volunteers did I coordinate on a regular basis?” Answering questions like these can help change this phrase, “led worship each week” to “spent 20 hours/week preparing 5 songs for 7 member worship band.” Specific adjectives help the reader understand the depth of your role.

3. Does it make sense that you’re applying?

Before applying for any job, you should ask yourself, “Would I understand why I submitted my resume if I was the hiring manager?” If not, you are wasting both your time and the hiring manager’s time. Connect the dots between the job description and your resume. If you have the years of experience required or have done this role successfully at another church, make it clear on your ministry resume. Make it easy for the reader to see the connection between your experience and the role for which you’re applying.

These three steps will help you go from a blank document to an effective resume that tells your unique story.

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