Rest. Renewal. We all know we need it, but even in the downtime that comes after a busy Christmas season, true rest can be elusive.
Below are 17 ideas for you and your church staff to take advantage of your Christmas vacation time. Some are creative, some are silly, and some may be difficult or unrealistic for you. But, with burnout all too common in ministry, it’s our prayer that these can inspire you to get some effective rest this Christmas, so that you come back to your team replenished and renewed for the new year.
Here are 17 ways to recharge during your holiday downtime:
1. Sleep. A lot.
2. Read that book you’ve been putting off too long.
3. Re-read the Christmas story from the Gospels. Jesus came to make all things new. What needs to be “made new” in your life?
4. Date night with your spouse. And take your kids on special, one-on-one “dates.”
5. Take walks. Alone. With your family. With your dog.
6. Make family meals an event. Tackle that new recipe you’ve been meaning to try.
7. Pray. Find a devotional or prayer-resource focused on rest and renewal.
8. Set aside a day or two to unplug and not check your email.
9. Consider a day-long retreat to be still and be alone with God.
10. Take time enjoying that hobby you never have time for.
11. Invest time in a new hobby. Even something as simple as drawing can be relaxing.
12. Get a massage.
13. Journal. Even if it’s jotting down 10 things you’re thankful for.
14. Hire someone to clean your home and use that time to be with family.
15. Reflect on the past year. The successes, the challenges, and the memories. Think about what you want your next year to look like. Ask God what He wants your next year to look like.
16. Write down those desires for next year. Set achievable and thoughtful goals. Pray over them.
17. Have a family movie night – no cell phones allowed. In fact, just leave your cell phones out of any of the aforementioned ideas.
Don’t let this Christmas season and any downtime you have pass by without getting true, effective rest. Be a good steward of the time off you have. Think hard about what things bring you refreshment and replenish your resources, then do those things. You’ll be a healthier person and a more effective instrument of God when you do.