denomination: efca
weekly attendance: 85
Meet Community Bible Church:
Welcome to Community Bible Church. All of us are searching for meaning and purpose. We believe that it comes through Jesus Christ. Learn what it means to be part of God’s family.
About the Pastor :
The pastor is to provide spiritual and pastoral leadership to the church family of Community Bible Church. He is responsible to the Lord and the church to primarily proclaim the gospel and teach the Bible. The Pastor, as the teaching elder, joins the elders in overseeing the life and direction of CBC. He is also to engage in pastoral care, provide supervisory leadership in all areas, and administrate the paid and volunteer staff.
A pastor is a gift from God to His church (Eph. 4:11-13). The pastor is responsible to lead and feed the congregation with the goal of equipping them to minister as mature believers, using the gifts God has given to them (John 21:15-17, Rom. 12:4-8). It is in Scripture that the pastor’s character is prescribed (I Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9), his motivation set (I Pet. 5:1-3), his accountability declared (James 3:1, I Tim. 5:19-21, Heb. 13:17), his reward established (I Tim. 5:17-18, I Cor. 15:58, I Tim. 6:6, I Cor. 3:9) and his purpose focused (Col. 1:28-29). This profile is an expression of these and other pertinent scriptures.

The Pastor’s responsibilities include:
Plan and oversee worship services; prepare and deliver sermons and lead in observance of the church ordinances.
Lead the church in an effective evangelism program and in a caring ministry for those in the church and community.
Serve as administrator of the paid church staff; supervise the work of the volunteer ministry staff.
Lead in an effective program of visitation.
Perform wedding ceremonies and conduct funerals.
As an elder, he is a member of the church council and is responsible with all council members in planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and evaluating the total program of the church.
Work with deacons, church officers and committees as they perform their assigned responsibilities.
Represents the church in civic matters.
This position requires great flexibility in hours available for work, which can include evenings and weekends. The pastor should be in the office enough time for accessibility to the church family and for regular communication with members of the church staff.
Maintains proper priorities at home with his wife and children.
Maintains a vital and wholesome personal relationship with the Lord through daily Bible study and prayer.
Prefer commitment of 10 years.

What you bring:
Education and experience
Undergraduate degree, required
5+ years of rural pastor experience in a respected and growing congregation of similar size, required
Ordination preferred, licensing required
Seminary degree, preferred
Graduate degree, preferred
Experience as a Pastor, preferred
Knowledge, skills, and abilities
Able to meet the demands of the position both physically, mentally & spiritually
Proven capabilities in all pertinent phases of ministry and development of lay leadership
Vibrant, expository pulpit ministry with an emphasis on the ability to relate the breadth of Scripture to the listener’s life
Ability to relate to a wide spectrum of ages and communicate effectively with an intergenerational congregation
Brings a team approach based on a relational leadership style
Able to work well with both men and women
Skilled in listening as well as speaking
Primarily gifted in preaching
Personal characteristics and qualifications
Prefer married with children and enjoying, with his wife, a relationship of mutual commitment to one another’s gifts and ministries; the family should reflect a healthy Christian home
Passionate about his personal relationship with his Heavenly Father, enthusiastic about his own walk so that he can model to the congregation an authentic, growing heart for God
Views the local church as a fellowship of believers whose primary purpose is to glorify God; sees the role of Pastor as one of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry by enabling each part of the church body to fulfill its distinctive role (accomplished primarily through preaching and teaching, modeling of values and discipling staff and lay leadership)
Promotes worship of Jesus Christ as a vital element of congregational life
Considers the outreach of the church to be one of its highest callings
Possesses a burden for the lost, which is addressed from the pulpit, transferred by teaching and example, and demonstrated by interest in community affairs and public concerns
Well-read and committed to ongoing learning and growth
Warm and outgoing
Confident in his convictions
Gracious rather than authoritarian
Strong sense of humor with the ability to view life in a balanced manner
Characterized by integrity

What it’s like to live in Fort Benton, MT :
Fort Benton, AKA the “Birthplace of Montana” is one of the oldest settlements in Montana. Named by Forbes as one of the top 15 prettiest towns in America, the town draws people in for its natural beauty and outdoor activity.
Founded as a trading post during the trapping era of the early 1800s, it became a trading hub transporting goods up the Missouri River. The town became a riverboat port later in the 19th century. With the homestead era came farm families. Today, Fort Benton is a bustling farming community that is the county seat for Chouteau County. Many of the businesses are geared toward the agricultural industry. Fort Benton also has coffee shops, restaurants, a hardware store, boutiques, and an ice cream shop on Front Street, the main thoroughfare for Fort Benton business which borders the Missouri River.
Fort Benton is a wonderful place in the summer as activities ramp up. Summer Celebration, a week-long celebration of the first day of summer, kicks off in June with a parade, street dance, live music and a fireworks show. There’s also a youth fishing derby in May. Fort Benton is a family-friendly place where kids often safely walk the streets unattended, and many of the neighbors watch out for each other. When hunting season kicks off, people come from all over the country to hunt elk, deer, antelope, and pheasants. The National Wild and Scenic River section of the Missouri River is right out our back door as well, providing opportunities for boating, canoeing, camping, and fishing. It is one of the most beautiful sections of river in the country.
With historic appeal, endless beauty, and opportunity for adventure, Fort Benton is a perfect place to call home. To quote National Geographic Travelers “Don’t miss Fort Benton.”
For more information about Fort Benton, visit
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