Meet Lenape Valley Church
Founded in 1962, the Lenape Valley Church has resided in its current location since 1965. The church grew through many years of strong pastoral leadership, outreach ministry, and community support.
Lenape Valley Church makes a difference through local community ministries like the Church Has Left the Building, Vacation Bible School, Youth and Adult Mission trips, and a new blended worship service.
Today, Lenape Valley Church is a growing, vibrant faith community in Bucks County just south of Doylestown, PA. God has called Lenape Valley to welcome, inspire, nurture, and serve all to become followers of Jesus Christ.

A rough start
Lenape Valley Church faced an extended period without a full-time director of youth and young adults. They formed a search team comprised of the senior pastor, the interim director of youth ministry, the director of children’s ministry, and elders within the youth and children’s ministries. However, their combined efforts still did not have the reach needed to recruit a qualified youth and young adult ministry director who would fit their team dynamic.
The person Lenape Valley Church needed would have to be a dynamic and visionary individual with a passion for serving youth, young adults, and their families. They hoped to find a passionate leader eager to build up a ministry alongside the existing team, someone with a bachelor’s degree and some experience working with youth. Once found, LVP hoped their director of youth and young adults would begin to leave a lasting impact on the next generation through deep relationships and transformative experiences.

Expanding their network
With a specific vision in mind, but without the network to find the right person, the search team knew they’d need to partner up with a search group to find the ideal candidate. That’s when Lenape Valley Church connected with Vanderbloemen. The consultants fleshed out a profile for the ideal candidate and promptly began the official search with Vanderbloemen’s recruiters.
Applications rolled in, and Executive Search Consultant Brett Connolly and Executive Search Recruiter Will Hancock sifted through to identify and interview the top matches on paper. By the time they presented the strongest candidates, it was clear that Lenape Valley Church would soon hire their long-awaited director of youth and young adults. One candidate in particular exceeded all expectations.
A passionate leader
Just a 45-minute drive away in Phoenixville, PA lived youth ministry director Brandon Best with his wife and two children. With a Master of Divinity degree and years of additional experience as a teacher and pastoral assistant, Brandon excited the search team with an abundance of applicable expertise and knowledge that will help him serve the community well.
As someone who came to faith through youth ministry at a young age, Brandon pursues youth ministry fervently. He followed the Lord’s call on his life to make disciples by accepting the offer to join the Lenape Valley Church community. He hopes to be able to cultivate a sense of belonging and build authentic relationships in the new role. He is a big believer in community and we’re sure he will serve Lenape Valley well.
“There is truly no way we would have found Brandon without the work [Brett and the Vanderbloemen] team put into this search,” a Lenape Valley Church representative said. “God is good!”