Serving in full-time ministry is uniquely challenging. While we often encounter similar difficulties as our congregation, there are certain challenges that seem to pop up more often for those in vocational ministry. Over time I came to discover these challenges surface no matter the size of the church or the position in which we serve. I think it is vital for the health of both us and the church that we learn how to handle them because sooner or later, we will face them.
As a former worship director, one such issue I wrestled with was insecurity. While it is easy to think that others who appear successful by our standards may not struggle with it, I’m here to say you are not alone. All of us at some point or another deal with insecurity simply because we’re human. Here are some lessons I’ve learned in my own spiritual journey that I hope will help you in dealing with insecurity in ministry.
1. Know who you are.
God designed each of us to be unique. We often compare ourselves to others, which leads to increased insecurity because there’s always someone who is more talented or gifted around the corner. As a worship leader, I did not have the best voice and I couldn’t sing very high, and for years, I struggled with what I perceived to be an inadequacy.
What ended up happening, however, is that I was able to learn and grow in my creativity in leading songs and developing people to lead which in turn grew our team and expanded our ministry outreach. Along the way, I discovered my passion for growing people into their strengths and gifting.
2. Grow intentionally.
It is important to understand that while we may feel insecure in certain areas of our ministry because of a perceived weakness or inadequacy, we can always find room to grow. After I worked through and accepted that I didn’t have the best vocals but can still be an effective worship leader, I started taking voice lessons so I can effectively steward what God has given me to His glory. I was surprised to discover how much I improved vocally and was able to lead in ways I couldn’t before.
Even though I’ve surrounded myself with people with strengths in areas I am challenged in, I was not satisfied with simply settling. I worked on the areas I knew I could improve on. By growing myself, I grew our team, and set an example to our church on how we can constantly improve. Even when I’m not the best in a certain area, I want to be the best I can be to serve the Lord and His Church.
3. Find someone you can confide in.
It is critical for leaders to have a mature, Jesus-loving friend or mentor he/she can trust completely and confide in. Vocational ministry can feel like a lonely job when struggling through insecurity. When we isolate ourselves, we give the enemy space to pick us off easily, and disrupt the good work God is doing through us in the church.
Having someone you trust enough to freely confide in without fear of being judged provides a release that is spiritually, mentally, and emotionally healthy. They can also keep us accountable to continually grow in the areas we are working on. Furthermore, a trustworthy friend is a crucial source of encouragement for the times when you feel like you’re stranded in a place spiritually you can’t get leave and remind us of who we belong to.
4. Know whose you are.
Ultimately, I believe the most important lesson I l earned navigating through insecurity is knowing who I am in Christ. Knowing who we belong us frees us from any thought that we are not good enough to do what God has called us to. Jesus gave His life to save us, through grace, not because of anything I have done or will do for His Kingdom, but because He loves me. I am loved. You are loved. That’s it.
Understandably, this is a growth process as we are continually being perfected in our faith until Jesus returns. I do not claim that all our insecurities will disappear, but there is hope and grace for us to grow and work through the challenge of insecurity.
How have you navigated a journey of finding your leadership identity?