As a new year is upon us, we all have a unique opportunity to start off strong, feeling both refreshed and renewed for the year ahead. If you want to take advantage of this fresh start but don’t know where to begin, below are some simple ways to get the ball rolling in 2023.
1. Zero out your email inbox.
This can be a daunting task for some of us, but makes a tremendous difference in feeling renewed for the new year.
2. Set goals for the next year.
Whether short-term, mid-term, or long-term, creating realistic goals for your year is the best way to set yourself up for success.
[FREE CHECKLIST: 15 Things Church Leaders Need To Decide For The New Year]
3. Change up your environment.
This doesn’t have to be a drastic change, but try moving some things around in your workspace or home office. The physical reminder of a new environment is more likely to keep your fresh perspective longer.
4. Be more intentional about collaborating and learning from others.
This can be either in your work or personal life. It’s amazing how much can be done through team collaboration!
5. Do a short-term physical cleanse.
If even for just a couple weeks, give up something that might not benefit your body (like sugar or caffeine) and see how you feel. It might be something you want to continue to keep out of your system in the long run.
6. Take one thing off of your social calendar.
It’s very common to have many recurring events (work and social) on your calendar each week. Try removing just one weekly social event and leave it open for a night of rest. It could do wonders!
7. Start a devotional study.
Whether you commit to reading the entire Bible or doing a deep-dive on one specific chapter, start a devotional that will become part of your daily routine.
8. Get a journal.
Write down a few short thoughts about each day before you go to bed. This does not need to be a comprehensive outline of the day, but simply a documentation of some high and low points. This provides a helpful reflection for the end of your weeks and months.
9. Clean your space.
Whether it is your office, bedroom, or kitchen, pick one space you are frequently in and do a complete deep cleaning to start the year.
10. Donate your unused items.
This is not only helpful to you in clearing out space and clutter, but it helps someone else who might need those resources in the future.
11. Unsubscribe.
Take some time to unsubscribe from any emails or physical mail that you don’t read or need. These will only clutter up your inbox and your workday. In the same vein, clean up your desktop by deleting any unused files or programs.
12. Update your online profiles.
Update your social media pages, Linkedin, or profile on your church website to reflect where you are now in the new year.
13. Find someone new to invest in and mentor.
Developing the next generation of leaders is the easiest way to make a difference in your church community. Find a friend, co-worker, or even a stranger at your church to engage and commit to pouring into in 2023.
14. Find someone to invest in you.
Just as important as investing in someone, find someone who will commit to investing in you in the new year. Mentorship is an essential piece in building your character and leadership potential.
15. Re-evaluate your budget.
Look over last year’s budget to see what you were primarily spending money on, and how you could potentially be more efficient and cost-effective in the year ahead.
16. Show gratitude.
Take some time to thank your team or the people in your life who helped you achieve your goals in the previous year.
17. Set a prayer schedule.
Map out long-term prayer needs or requests that you can commit to praying for over the next year. By documenting these somewhere, you are much more likely to stay committed to praying for them over a long period of time.
18. Commit to doing one nice thing for someone you interact with each day.
Whether it’s a friend, family member or coworker, doing one nice thing is a simple achievable goal to commit to in the new year.
19. Unplug.
Create a 1-hour window to be unplugged from technology each day. For example, the hour before bed is a great time to shut out all outside distractions and remain present.
The start of a new year is a great time to clean up and refresh your life across the board. Use these ideas to spur a year of personal and professional growth!