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Whether you're a church, school, nonprofit, or values-based business with a greater purpose, Vanderbloemen can help you hire the right executives to lead your organization.
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Holly Tate is the Vice President of Business Development at Vanderbloemen where she leads partnerships, brand growth, sales and marketing alignment, and new industry initiatives for the company. Holly is also a member of the Forbes Communications Council where she contributes thought leadership on marketing and communications to Forbes’ online.



  • (4:42) “The whole point of marketing is telling great stories to change peoples’ minds, and that’s what we do with the gospel and that’s what Jesus did in his time here on earth…

To me, that’s why talking about marketing is really important for faith-based organizations, because they have the best story ever!”

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  • (7:51) – “It’s impossible for you to reach everyone, but if we as a ministry can focus on our specific audience, we can reach everyone. Then, we’re not competing with each other, we’re working with each other.”
    Tweet it #VanderLive @vanderbloemensg
  • (17:56) – “Our founder, William Vanderbloemen, often says, ‘every Kingdom breakthrough has come on the heels of a communication breakthrough…’

“I think in 2019, we’re living on the heels of a communication breakthrough.”

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Seth Godin Blog –

Online Marketing –

Coaching Network – 

  • Lead Pastors
  • Executive Pastors


Core Ideas

(3:55) Why marketing is important for your faith-based organization

(5:50) Know your audience

  • God has uniquely equipped you and your team to serve a specific group of people

(8:58) Build relevant content

  • Examples of “content” 
  • Create consistent content

(11:33) Staffing for marketing

  • Which type of marketer best suits your organization: 
    • Growth-focused v.s. operations/analyst
  • Outsourcing  v.s. in-house

(15 :15) Marketing tools and strategies

  • Create a strategy
  • Marketing indicators v.s. marketing outcomes
    • Social media is a tool, NOT a strategy
  • Technology’s impact on the future of the church

(19:10) Website essentials

  • People visit a church website for 3 main things:
    • Church location
    • Time of services
    • What to wear
  • Include visuals of your community

(20:21) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Know your “persona” and what they are searching for


  • (21:54) “How should our communications and marketing team be structured?”
    • Each church is different
  • (24:05) “How can we help our staff ‘buy-into’ our marketing strategy and goals?”
    • Have clear goals
    • Build strategy to back into goals


about Holly

Holly joined the Vanderbloemen team in 2012 as Director of Business Development, when the company was less than 10 team members. Holly helped build the marketing, sales, and business development processes from the group up to where the company is today with nearly 40 full-time staff members.

During her time at Vanderbloemen, she has also held the role of Vice President of Marketing where she led marketing, brand, public relations, content, and lead generation strategy for the company before moving into the Vice President of Business Development role she holds today.

Before Vanderbloemen, Holly worked for Salem Communications where she was an Account Executive, specializing in helping businesses and faith-based organizations design integrated marketing campaigns to further their missions. 

Holly holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from The King’s College of New York City. Studying and working in NYC allowed her to quickly gain diverse work experience from finance to music business. During and after college, her passion for inspiring young people to greatness drove her as an Admissions Counselor at King’s.

She was named on’s Young Influencer List in February 2016 as a leader under 40 who is making a Kingdom difference.

In her spare time, Holly loves spending time with her husband Elliott and their dog Scraps. They are active members of Ecclesia Church in Houston, TX. 



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