William Vanderbloemen in Forbes with Why I Rewrote My Resume

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In William Vanderbloemen's recent Forbes article, he explains why he rewrites his resume every January. 


For the last 20 years, including this year, I revise my resume every January. Am I looking for a job? No.

I own my own company, and it’s growing! I love what I do and have never been more fulfilled with the “job” I get to do. So why write a resume? 

I do it for the benefit of self-review. Resumes, after all, are a compilation of what you have done, which I’ll talk about a little later below. Hopefully, I can reflect every year that I’ve done something new and reached fresh ground. Forcing myself to write that down annually has been a fruitful exercise every time. 

And if you’re going to take the time to create a resume, go ahead and make it a winner. The question now though is...how do you do that?

At Vanderbloemen, we review thousands of candidates every week. Here’s what will cause your resume to stand out in the crowd:

Read the full article here.